Betekenis van:
last quarter

last quarter
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • the last fourth of the Moon's period of revolution around the Earth




    1. The economy contracted in the last quarter.
    2. I have received personal information, from a very high quarter, that a certain document of the last importance, has been purloined from the royal apartments.
    3. In the act of offering up his last prayer ere he made up his mind to float and be eaten, he saw a man look over the quarter of the brig : he raised both his hands ; he jumped himself up in the water, and, by the singularity of his motions fortunately attracted notice.
    4. Losses expected in last quarter 2004
    5. ‘quarterly revaluation date’ means the date of the last calendar day of a quarter;
    6. During the current restructuring, the first aid measures were granted in the last quarter of 2003.
    7. The first submission will take place in the last quarter of 2005.
    8. Specific contracts will be signed during the last quarter of 2007.
    9. Sale prices varied by more than 30 % in the period between the first quarter of 2005 and the last quarter of the RIP.
    10. The overall deterioration was especially marked during the IP and indicates significant adverse developments during the first quarter 2005, i.e. the last quarter of the IP.
    11. It was evidenced by two Community producers that the price of scrap increased between the last quarter of 2003 and the last quarter of the IP by 66 % and 77 % respectively.
    12. The project is envisaged to begin in the third quarter of 2010 and to last until 2012.
    13. A call for tender for this framework contract will be launched following an open procedure during the last quarter 2004.
    14. The procedures for the management of the additional quantity for the last quarter of 2004 must be laid down.
    15. It is recalled that the overall deterioration was especially marked during the IP and indicates significant adverse developments during the first quarter 2005, i.e. the last quarter of the IP.